Imagine a place beyond Earth, where humanity's thirst for knowledge and exploration takes on a whole new meaning—a permanent learning institution on another world that offers us an transformative perspective on our planet, our history, and our shared future. The Lunar University (LU) is the culmination of over two decades of visionary ambition, guided by brilliant minds and fueled by the belief that education can unify and inspire humanity.

The dream began in 2000, sparked by Nobel Laureate Baruch Blumberg and Lynn Harper, who founded the science of Astrobiology. By 2022, a new generation of visionaries built on this legacy to co-found LunARC. Together, they set out to create a lunar institution rooted in the values of humility, curiosity, learning, and collaboration.

As we embark on this unprecedented journey, the Lunar University symbolizes what we can achieve when we unite our collective knowledge and aspirations. But what exactly does this bold vision entail? How will it function, and what role can you play in shaping its future? Below, we’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions to offer deeper insights into the Lunar University, its mission, and the steps we are taking to turn this audacious dream into reality. We invite you to explore, engage, and become part of this historic endeavor.

Why do we need a Lunar University?  

In a world where space is rapidly becoming a battleground for military and corporate interests, the Lunar University offers a higher calling. This institution will serve as a uniquely unifying force for humanity’s presence on the Moon, ensuring that space exploration benefits not just the powerful, but all people. We believe space can be more than a frontier for competition; it can be a canvas where we create something extraordinary together—an institution that embodies our collective wisdom, curiosity, and hope for the future. Beyond promising equal access for all, the Lunar University embraces the responsibility of preserving the essence of human culture and values. As we expand our horizons beyond Earth, we are committed to ensuring that future generations inherit a legacy of exploration that both respects and enriches the human experience, honoring our past while charting a course forward. The Lunar University represents humanity’s chance to build a legacy in space grounded in collaboration, learning, and inclusivity.

What exactly will the Lunar University be?

The Lunar University will be the first educational institution with a permanent presence on another celestial body, where science, arts, and culture converge. More than just a school, it will be a beacon of knowledge, inviting people from all corners of the Earth to contribute to solving the challenges of space and the urgent problems we face on Earth. Through interdisciplinary research and hands-on learning, the Lunar University will connect humanity’s most brilliant minds, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. But even more important than what we will study is how we will do it—together. This institution will be a symbol of what can be achieved when people from every culture, background, and generation work toward a shared future.

Who will build and own the Lunar University?

The Lunar University will not be owned by any single corporation, government, existing university, billionaire, or narrow consortium thereof. It will belong to all of us. Built through a global coalition, the university grows from partnerships with educational institutions, space agencies, nonprofits, and communities around the world. LunARC sees itself not as the owner, but as a steward—a vessel holding and guiding this process, ensuring that it remains open, inclusive, and collaborative. This is how we go farther—by uniting our strengths and ensuring that no one is left behind. As we step into this new frontier, the Lunar University will stand as a testament to humanity’s ability to work together, to transcend borders, and to build something that serves the greater good. It is, and always will be, owned by the global community, reflecting the values of inclusivity and shared responsibility.

What is the pathway to building the Lunar University?  

The journey begins here on Earth. We will first establish the Lunar University Earth Hub: a global network of virtual and physical centers where ideas are developed, partnerships are forged, and communities come together to contribute to the university's mission. These hubs, hosted by partner institutions such as universities and nonprofits, will act as the launchpad for the Lunar University, providing a "knowledge bridge" between Earth and the Moon. In the coming years, we aim to have these hubs fully operational, bringing together researchers, students, and thought leaders to collaborate on solving both lunar and terrestrial challenges.

Why focus on a university as the first project on the Moon?  

The Lunar University is the most important project humanity can pursue on the Moon because it represents our highest shared values. While others may focus on military outposts or mining colonies, we believe that the first permanent settlements on the Moon should include substantial resources dedicated to knowledge, education, and the betterment of humanity. This university will enhance global unity, ensuring that space exploration is driven by collaboration and ethical principles. It is through learning that we can ensure space remains a shared frontier, not one dominated by a select few. The Lunar University will teach us how to live sustainably in space while reminding us of our responsibility to Earth.

How will the Lunar University impact life on Earth?  

The knowledge and innovations born out of the Lunar University will not only benefit those in space but will ripple across the globe. From breakthroughs in sustainability and resource management to new ways of thinking about governance and society, the Lunar University will be a bridge between space and Earth. As we solve the challenges of living on the Moon—like how to live sustainably and ethically in extreme environments—we will gain invaluable insights into how to tackle the pressing challenges we face on Earth, such as climate change and social inequality. This university is not just for those on the Moon; it’s for everyone, offering insights that will inspire future generations to think beyond borders and work for the common good.

How will the Lunar University tackle environmental impact and avoid repeating colonial mistakes on the Moon?

The Lunar University challenges the colonial mindset by redefining the purpose of space exploration, prioritizing co-creation, stewardship, and respect for all life. We begin by centering inclusion, moving deliberately to incorporate perspectives that historically have been marginalized and impacted by past injustices. This approach ensures that decisions about resource use, governance, and our relationship with lunar landscapes are informed by those historically impacted by colonization, with indigenous and marginalized voices embedded in every aspect of the University's work to ensure equity and shared responsibility.We’re working closely with global partners—ranging from academic institutions, leadership organizations, and environmental NGOs to space agencies and governments—to create an open, transparent governance model that prioritizes shared responsibility. By setting up systems of accountability, we ensure that actions taken on the Moon are scrutinized and evaluated through a global, inclusive lens.By collectively engaging now, we have the chance to rewrite the narrative before harmful systems become entrenched. Through transparency and collaboration, this project aims to set a new precedent for space exploration, showing that what we build on the Moon can inspire and reset practices here on Earth, guiding us toward a future of ethics, responsibility, and sustainability.

Who can participate in the Lunar University?  

Everyone is invited to be a part of this historic project. The Lunar University is built on the belief that space exploration must reflect the diversity of all of humanity. We are creating pathways for people from every corner of the world to contribute, including those from underrepresented communities and individuals who face the digital divide. Through partnerships with nonprofits, governments, and educational institutions, we will ensure that even those with limited access to technology can have a voice. It’s not just about the best minds—it’s about the best of humanity coming together to create something truly representative of our collective future.

How can I help make Lunar University a success?

The Lunar University’s success depends on collaboration. We cannot build this alone—it will require the combined efforts of scientists, educators, students, governments, and everyday citizens who believe in the power of knowledge. You can play a crucial role by signing the Lunar University Declaration, the first step in joining this global movement. But it’s more than just a signature—it’s an invitation to contribute your ideas, your energy, and your passion to help shape this audacious vision. Be part of a legacy that will inspire future generations for centuries—one that reflects the best of who we are and who we strive to become. Let’s ensure the first human presence on the Moon is not about power or profit, but about learning, inclusivity, and shared wisdom. This is our moment. Let’s create it together.

Sign the Declaration
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