Lunar University

The first permanent learning institution on another world providing an unprecedented perspective on the Earth and humanity.
The concept of the Lunar University (LU) has been a journey of visionary minds and pioneering spirits, spanning over two decades. It all began in 2000, under the guidance of Nobel Laureate Baruch Blumberg and NASA's Lynn Harper, who is credited as the founder of the science of Astrobiology. As NASA's capacity to deliver payloads to the lunar surface expanded, the momentum behind this concept grew. In 2022, inspired by this legacy and with encouragement from Lynn Harper and Dr. Daniel Rasky from the NASA Space Portal Office,
Dr. Lakshmi Karan and Topher Wilkins founded LunARC. Their aspiration was to infuse the first human settlements on the Moon with the values of humility, curiosity, learning, and collaboration.

The Lunar University embodies several key attributes. It serves as a global unifier, harmonizing diverse initiatives in lunar exploration and settlement for common benefit. It acts as an inspiring beacon, rallying humanity together for collaborative space endeavors. Through experiential learning, the Lunar University provides reflective, holistic, and intergenerational education, shaping future leaders for an inclusive and responsible tomorrow.

Many view the Moon as a pivotal research hub for space biology, medicine, planetary sciences, and earth sciences, while others perceive it as a practical training ground for Mars exploration or a logistical base for deep space missions. Some envision lunar resources as a source of wealth and innovation for humanity, while a select few foresee the Moon as a potential permanent settlement for future generations.
The Lunar University embraces this diversity of perspectives, serving as a robust platform for collaboration among various stakeholders. It will host students and supervisors on rotational assignments, facilitating multidisciplinary investigations across various fields, from geology to philosophy. Real-time video connections with counterparts on Earth will enable parallel advancements and breakthroughs, linking pioneering lunar research to address urgent terrestrial challenges.

In the words of Albert Einstein, "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." The Lunar University represents a new level of thinking, bridging the gap between Earth and space and propelling humanity towards its evolutionary progression. Through innovation, collaboration, and a shared commitment to exploration, the Lunar University inspires us to reach for the stars and beyond.